Preparation pins have various head colours, and the heads can be either plastic or glass. Not used for storage or display, these pins are intended for the manipulation of and positioning of the specimen while it is drying.
Preparation pins come in two different lengths: 30mm and 44mm, with the larger pins being slightly larger in diameter as well. The size you choose will depend on your specimens.
Note that the longer preparation pins are more likely to bend. However, there are situations where a longer pin can be very handy. For example, if you already have a number of pins in place, and need to position a leg or antenna, with a longer pin it is possible to reach the particular body part while working around/past all the other pins that are present.
We have tried out a wide variety of preparation pins over a number of years and have found Paradox to be the winner. While others are quite good, these are the kindest to fingers if you are doing a lot of pinning!
Length 30 mm. 100 pins/package.
Length 44 mm. 50 pins/package.